Freelancing Isn’t All Sunshine and Rainbows

All three of us here—Kristina, Matt, and I—are also freelance writers and editors, as well as doing other odd jobs. As crafters and freelancers, it’s fun to talk about the perks. Freelancing is a great way to make a living in many respects. I love setting my own schedule. I’m a night owl, so I can stay up as late as I want. Working in my pajamas or around-the-house comfy clothes is amazing. If I never have to dress up again, that would be too soon.

But freelancing isn’t all sunshine and roses. This past month, I had a health scare. I ended up in the hospital because of an abscess on my leg and possible sepsis. While that is scary enough in itself, it’s even scarier as a freelancer. Freelancers don’t get sick days. There isn’t a safety net to provide temporary disability when out of work. I missed two complete weeks of work, and even after that, I couldn’t get back to work fully because I was still recovering. My energy levels were still too low, and I spent the majority of my days sleeping. Of course, everyone should have their own safety net, but like sometimes happens, I had already depleted mine over the summer.

Fortunately, I was able to get the care I needed because I do have insurance, namely due to the ACA and the healthcare exchange. Buying insurance as a freelancer can get expensive quickly, and having the opportunity for credit to help pay for it made all the difference. I know the ACA didn’t improve health insurance for everyone, but honestly, I may have died without it. I have anxiety around going to the doctor already, so I’m already hesitant to go when I need to do so. Not having the ability to pay for healthcare or worrying that I would go into massive debt would surely have made me delay. With a condition like an abscess and sepsis, delaying could quickly lead to death. Thankfully, because I had insurance (and because of a wonderful service called Dispatch Health where urgent care comes to your house!), I was able to get my health issues taken care of, and I am well on my way to recovery.

As freelance artists and writers, we love what we do—most of the time. But just like anyone else, we need safety nets to help when life kicks us over a cliff. Thankfully, I had the right safety nets this time!


Embracing Unproductivity