Personalized Tarot Cards from My Art: The Fool & The Magician
A friend of mine contacted me recently because her husband was filming a movie. A fun, indie film called “Pooltergeist,” and she needed a distinctive set of Tarot Cards for the Major Arcana. I had a lot of artwork that already fit the themes, so I went to work getting the rest completed and I wanted to share them here as we go. If you don’t read tarot, don’t worry, I’ll explain my rationale for each card. I just wanted to put this out into the world because I think it is a fun project. My plan is to put up two cards every couple of days to share them with everyone! I hope you enjoy them and be sure to leave a comment if you have any questions or if you see one that you really like!
0 The Fool
The first card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot is not #1, but rather base 0, “The Fool.” In this card the cat is reaching up, tapping on a nebula. He has no idea what is to come of this activity or what kind of chaos it will cause, but he is happy and content with his curiosity. This is the basis of The Fool in tarot, the idea that we are beginning again and that we may cause chaos in our wake, but that doesn’t always mean it is a bad thing and that sometimes we have to embrace the chaos and the curiosity in order to find out.
1- The Magician
This card represents 1 - The Magician. In it is a young girl with red hair reaching forward toward the viewer. She has one hand on her forehead and the look on her face is of confidence and serene contemplation. She has just begun her journey to and feels very comfortable in this position even though she is just beginning her mastery level.